Thursday, June 26, 2014

to Grad school or not to Grad school ... that is the question

don't let the challenges along the way frighten you.

When I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in 2009, after difficult final semesters and re-taking classes to turn D's into A's and B's, I was ecstatic to be be done with academics for the rest of my life.  I obtained my Bachelor's of Science majoring in Child and Family Studies and had planned on working my way through the ladder of Child Care staff to eventually assist in the development of age-appropriate education and programming.  I had believed it was a solid plan.  In retrospect, I now realize how naive that all sounds.

Forgive me as I skip ahead, the events that are not included deserve to have their own story, and you would probably get bored.

My college experience was a great one for the most part.  I had some issues with relationships and a few struggles with my academics, but in the end, I finished with a cap and gown and diploma.  I attribute my success to the organization and leadership skills I gained from being involved as a member of a sorority on campus.  I was able to hold a few positions within my chapter and also a position on our campus' Panhellenic board who governs the recognized sororities.  It was those positive and influential experiences that lead me to seek out a volunteer position.  As I began communicating and problem solving with collegiate women, attending, planning and facilitating workshops a light bulb went off.  I was truly passionate about what I was doing.  I then looked to the women who I looked up to as a leader during my active membership.  It was then that I decided I wanted to have a career as a Student Affairs Professional.

After doing some research on current Student Affairs Professionals, and perusing job postings, I found that most minimum requirements for such a position were a Master's degree in Higher Education.  I began to hit the internet hard and research schools that had such a program.  Luckily I found websites of some organizations who neatly put all of that information together for me.  Here are the life lessons I have learned through the grueling application process (I'm assuming that most graduate programs are just as difficult to apply for);

  • Application fees and costs are extremely overpriced
I understand that you have to take a good bit of time to read through and process an application, but $80 is just ridiculous.  I applied to four colleges in one week and nearly over drafted my checking account.  I ate turkey sandwiches for two weeks to recover from that.

  • You might have to utilize the post office
I almost gasped when I saw that a LARGE university requested that I send recommendations, essay, writing sample, transcripts, cover letter/resume, program application, assistantship applications and cover letters in a single package through the snail mail.  Now I have zero qualms using the good old USPS, but gathering all of these documents together, in a timely fashion, is not easy.  When you are relying on someone to give you a letter of recommendation, it's not easy to continue to pester them to turn it in ASAP.  Especially if they've recently given birth.  This also leads me to my next point:

  • Each university, and program has a different process
For everything.  Applying to the Graduate school is different from applying to your desired program.  Recommendations are sent to the University through filling out an online form, but a one-page letter discussing your relationship, academic ability and experience printed on a company letterhead should be sent to the program admissions department separately and will not be accepted via e-mail.  Or perhaps it might?  Every little detail in the application process usually varies for each program you apply to.  My advice is to communicate with the admissions department frequently and ask any and all questions you may have.

  • I feel like a narcissist
I'm not one who likes to go on and on about all that I have accomplished.  Especially being a part of the Greek community, it's not always respected or admired.  Writing countless essays explaining how I have made an impact and what skills and qualities I possess that will make me an asset to a program or department becomes quite tiresome.  I thought that my first few essays were great, only to realize that I haven't perfected my process until about the 30th.  The key is not to brag but prove that your involvement created a positive change.  Be specific as to what skills you have will be strengthened and what skills you will gain through the education of the program you are applying.

  • Debt, debt, and more debt.
The thought of paying tuition again makes my stomach turn.  I watch Sallie Mae drain my bank account every month and shake a fist at the piece of paper on the wall.  BEFORE you begin applying, understand your own financial situation and assess your options from there.  I knew that saving an extra $15k in a year was not exactly feasible for me.  So I only applied to programs that either required or encouraged assistantships for their applicants.  Most assistantships that I came across provided 100% tuition reimbursement plus a stipend each semester (pocket change).  Some positions even included housing and meal plans. KNOW YOUR OPTIONS!  There is no federal funding for Master's programs however you can take out personal loans.

  • Patience is a virtue
Most of the Student Affairs programs that I came across are cohort programs.  This means that students are admitted in the fall semester, usually have the same course sequence, and graduate as a group.  Deadlines for programs such as this are between December to February with some programs accepting later applications to fill open spots.  This means you apply in the fall/winter, interview in Jan-March, then can wait as long as mid-summer to hear from a program.  It's a multi-step process and painfully slow.

My journey to obtain my Master's degree still has yet to begin.  I decided to take 6 credits of 600-level courses to get my feet wet in academia once again.  I will put myself through the application process once again for Spring 2015 admission and possibly Fall 2015.  As I type that I feel actual anxiety to begin this process all over again, but alas, I know what I want from life and need to do all that I can to become successful.  Failure is not an option!

         The cost of attending graduate school. A stark realization for our college students seeking to further their education...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Breaking Bad in 2014

This year it is ALL about Breaking Bad

 … habits that is.  Of course I watched the conclusion of Heisenberg along with the rest of the world.  If you didn't, put that on your bucket list!

ANYWAYS, this year is about breaking my bad habits. I have too many to list one by one (and thousands more my mother could name).  So in 2014, here is to HEALTH, WEALTH, and HAPPINESS!

Last year I successfully completed P90X and made it through most of P90X2 (the program just wasn't for me). I have never felt better about my overall fitness. I did both workouts with my boyfriend who altered his diet also.  I never have had to diet because I plateaued at 98 pounds when I was 16 (sorry I'm not sorry). After reading into a little bit about "clean eating" (and by little, I mean doing research for months #LibraProblems) and decided that it was a lifestyle change that I should adapt.  My bad eating habits of snacking on crap, snacking constantly and eating too much fast food have left me feeling lousy. Clean eating refers to eating foods that are as close to nature as possible.  Basically I'm cutting out all processed foods and using a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit. I hope that clean eating will help my body to all around feel better. You know, wars off infections and illness better, sleep well, just overall physically feel better.

This is the year I get an even better handle on my finances. I have a bad habit of shopping… a lot. I have made the resolution to use my earnings for experiences rather than things. I would much rather go on an excursion or vacation than hang something in my closet (that is usually too trendy to pull off or too fancy for a weekend out).  My boyfriend started saving all of his $5 bills after reading an article about a woman who saved thousands by doing this.  It's my hope that by planning trips that I will be too busy and consumed with that to shop online.  I'm also going to unsubscribe from all of the emails that I get about sales! This is going to be a challenge, but I'm up for it!

Happiness is not easy to achieve. I believe that absolute happiness comes at the top level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, (Self-actualization) which almost no one reaches. I absolutely refuse to accept anything but my wildest dreams.  I will continue to pursue all of my hopes and dreams. What else do we have to live for?  I refuse to compare my path in life to anyone's because, like a fingerprint, we all have a different one.  I seek to please only myself and hope that those who truly care for me accept and support me. So my bad habit of sulking in my lack of success or current situations is simply wasted time. This year I will focus all of my energy into what makes me happy!

So that's it! I hope that this year will have a lot in store for me. I have a few things in the works already and I'm working on radiating nothing but positive energy! I wish you all the same of HEALTH, WEALTH, and HAPPINESS this year!  Now go binge on Breaking Bad, you'll thank me later!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

oh cramp, Aunt Flo's on her way

5 ways to tell if you're getting your period.
I know, not like you actually need a list.

1) Food.

Lots of it.  Sweet, salty, hot, cold, whatever you can get your hands on!  You eat so much and have such weird cravings that for a minute you actually wonder if you could possibly be pregnant (Insert internal freak out).  Then you direct yourself to a calendar and realize it's been about 3 weeks since there was a crime scene in your pants.

2) Anger.

You hate the world.
Why do your friends have to blow you off all the time? You always pull through for them!
Your boyfriend just doesn't listen to anything you say.
When you asked him to pick up dinner, why did he get himself a side of fries, but completely forgot that you like fries too?  He is not the only person on this earth who wanted fries today with their BLT!!
Where did all of your clothes go??  You have ABSOLUTELY nothing to wear for any occasion that may come up.

3) The crying.

Commercials.  Whether it's a cute baby, puppy, or a third world country in need of clean drinking water, you're going to bawl your eyes out.
Music.  Taylor Swift is just getting you right now!  She must have read your tweets during your breakup.
Anything... Today I read a article about the ways that Metallica's "Enter Sandman" is used to get crowds at sporting events hyped.  I cried.  I CRIED TO ENTER SANDMAN.  Enough said.

4) Pain.

Did someone just punch you directly in the ovaries?  Is your body about to self-combust?  Did an alien lifeform invade your body a-la "Men in Black"? Nope, those are just cramps making you double over in pain.  This pain is unlike anything a man can relate to, SO DON'T EVEN TRY!
Just kindly excuse yourself at work while you make your way to the bathroom looking like Quasimodo in a skirt.

5)  Your friends are on their periods.

You're sitting at brunch and your besties are eating multiple bananas to battle their intense cramps.  They are also wearing full Yoga attire with zero intentions of exercising because they're so bloated.  Oh no, this means you're next!  What is the scientific reasoning why we sync up anyways?  I'm going to believe that it dates back to caveman days and how only one person seemed to have all of the tampons.

But seriously, Kate Spade purses ARE small!

So get ready to stock up on the feminine products, the midol, the chocolate, the wine, and remind your boyfriend to walk on eggshells!

Monday, July 8, 2013

No 'Poo update

Not too long ago, I wrote about my attempt to give up shampoo cold turkey.  Known as the "No 'Poo" method, I replaced my shampoo bottle with a box of baking soda (still have yet to do the vinegar conditioner). 

After using the baking soda for a few weeks, I went on vacation to Las Vegas.  I'm not sure if it was the dry/hot weather, or this new conditioning oil I bought, but my hair was just plain gross.  So out of convenience, I used regular shampoo.

This is when I could tell the difference in my hair.


While using the baking soda method is said to prolong the time in between washes, I was hoping for better results.  My hair does get greasy or oily looking and feeling if I go a day without washing.  Two days is simply unheard of for me.  I am able to go one day without washing and my hair doesn't look too bad, but halfway through the day I need to apply some dry shampoo.

My color treated hair does not hold as well, but that could be because my hair has also been bleached (ombre colored hair).


My hair used to take absolutely forever to dry with the hairdryer.  Every time that I use baking soda, my hair dries so quickly that I only spend time straightening the ends!

The way my hair feels after a fresh baking soda shower, is complete weightlessness.  It is an absolute feeling of clean.

So this may not be much of an update, but I'm still sticking with the baking soda in an attempt to change the way my hair is.  I'm hoping to see more results over the next few months.  I'll keep you posted!

Someone Call the "WAH-mbulance"

Pet Peeve Post:

from Kelly Williams Brown's Adulting: How to Become a Grown-Up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps:

Don’t mention how tired you are
Whoa, what? You’re tired? What a fascinating and rare tidbit! Also, this person will definitely be able to help you out on the sleep front.

oh you're tired? you worked all day? you have a million things to do? well, here's a little secret Sally-Works-A-Lot, SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE!!  Oh and did all of that complaining and whining actually give you more energy and make you less sleepy? no? really? it didn't??? I'm Shocked!

If there is one thing in the world that I do not have any patience for, it's people who complain.  So much so, I devised a list;

1)  Complaining makes you less attractive

That should be reason enough to stop complaining.  Your date will not be interested in you what-so-ever if all you talk about is yourself, and your problems.

2)  You're situation will not change

If you're complaining about something, you're only escalating the issue.  For instance, if you're unhappy about a situation at work, going on and on about how horrible it is only adds to the problem.

3) You cannot dwell on things that are beyond your own control

When something is completely out of your hands, the only thing to do is accept it and move on.

Be a problem solver, not a problem starter.

If you are unhappy about a situation at work, speak to your boss about it.  What's the worst that could happen?  Keep in mind that actions speak louder than words.  Continuing to complain and whine about something that bothers you is creating more negative energy that no one wants to be a part of.
So to end my lengthy rant keep this in mind;  change what makes you unhappy or lay the bed you've made or yourself.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The No 'Poo 'Do

After reading some lovely posts from Pinterest (sorry, can't locate the original pin/blog) I have decided to give the "No 'Poo Method" a whirl.  This doesn't mean that I'm going on a strictly liquid diet.  I have decided to give up shampoo.  Cold turkey.

Here's the reason why I decided to give up 'Poo (I love saying that).  I need to wash my hair every single day, or it will get greasy pretty fast.  If I wash it in the morning before work (6am), I usually have to heavily style it or pile on the dry shampoo for a night out.  I always envied my blonde-haired friends who could skip washes and still have flawless hair.  I decided that I wanted to try this method based on the simple fact that those who have given up shampoo only have to actually wash a few times a week.  Some of the bloggers chose this method for reasons such as being thrifty, or it's environmentally friendly.  As much as I would like to claim I'm doing my part to help the environment, I am too much of a culprit in other areas.  It's simply an added bonus to save a few bucks and mother nature as well.

So let's get to it!  I ended up starting this on a workday, which didn't leave me much time to experiment, measure, or stare in the mirror to notice a difference.

"Shampoo" Ingredients:

2 tablespoons baking soda

1 cup water

Squeeze bottle

"Conditioner" Ingredients:

2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar

1 cup water

Spray bottle

Most blogs I read say to use two tablespoons baking soda and one cup water.  Due to lack of time, I just threw some water in.  Also, I used a little bit more baking soda anticipating I would need more since my hair gets so greasy.  I used an "old fashioned" ketchup bottle for my "shampoo" mixture.  After adding the baking soda and filling it a little under halfway with water, I shook up the bottle to mix it up.  In hindsight, I probably should have stirred this, but I was in a hurry.

Since the baking soda is for your roots only, the squeeze bottle worked wonders to put the mixture right on my scalp.  The baking soda is said to clear away any build-up from the products we use.  I read that the mixture would get "slimy" feeling, a texture close to shampoo, but I didn't experience that.  The only time it was slimy was when it was on my face and in my hands.  It was gritty in my hair and I immediately regretted what I was doing.  I didn't resort to shampoo though, I kept going.  I massaged the baking soda mixture through my scalp, then rinsed it thoroughly.  

A modification I made was to completely skip the vinegar "conditioner".  I have a strict, almost OCD, shower routine and the thought of rinsing my hair after I've washed my body gives me chills.  Additionally, I didn't want to have to douse my hair with perfume to mask the vinegar scent.  So I cheated and used regular conditioner.  I plan on either making a vinegar mixture with coconut oil, or simply switching to a leave-in conditioner in the future.

Some blogs claimed that hair was a little "straw-like" and hard to comb through.  In the shower, my hair did not feel soft or manageable.  Again, I regretted going through with this on a workday.  Once I took a wide toothed comb through my hair and began blow-drying it, I noticed the difference.  My hair was very soft and light.  I thought to myself, "is this what healthy hair feels like?", as I ran my fingers through it over, and over again.

Pleasantly surprised is how I would explain my reaction.  My hair did not feel "weighed down" or oily as it usually did around 5pm every evening.  It was easy to style as well!

This is day 2 of "No 'Poo" and I was too scared to skip a wash, so again I used the baking soda mixture (no vinegar) paying even less attention to measurements.  I received the same results.  I'm going to slowly ween myself off washes and report back with the results!

looks normal right???

Have you tried the "No 'Poo 'Do"? Will you try it now?  Let me know what you think!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summertime Soundtracks

Windows down, radio up.  These are just as synonymous with the warm summertime air as barbecuing and swimming.  When the seasons change, other than updating my wardrobe, the first thing I do is create a new playlist.  As you found out by my previous post, I love discovering new music.  I also love to push my own music choices on my friends... So here is a Summer dose of that!

I want to preface this recommendation by saying that when I first was a fan of Rihanna's "Pon De Replay" (come Mr. DJ some Pon De Replay...) I proclaimed that she was going to be dubbed a One-Hit-Wonder.  Well, we know how that ended up.  I'll admit it, I was wrong.  This is something that I also thought whenever I first heard the catchy/kitschy tune of "Thrift Shop".  The duo of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis created a song about passing up on expensive duds to the tune of horns with a deep-voiced chorus by Wanz.  This song has everybody "popping tags", whatever that means.  The Heist is SO much more than expected.  After years of grinding it out in the local Seattle hip-hop scene, Ben Haggerty aka Macklemore, teamed up with DJ/Producer Ryan Lewis in 2010 in a well-known sample of Red Hot Chili Peppers' Otherside.  After generating quite the hype and buzz for themselves through social media, their sophomore release, The Heist debuted at number two on the Billboard 200.  Quite the comeback I'd say!

Every topic from Drug abuse and battles with sobriety to the nostalgic feeling of playing ball with your friends in the summertime.  If you solely base this album off it's leading single "Thrift Shop", you will be terribly mistaken.  Right now, their 3rd single "Same Love" battles the topic of same-sex marriage, and hits it hard.  This is a topic that isn't familiar to the hip-hop community, but widely discussed.  Right now this duo holds the #2,  #44, and #63 songs on the iTunes' singles' chart.  They hold #1, #4, and #10 on the Hip-Hop chart. This duo has really made their mark on the hip-hop genre.  Ryan Lewis' producing skills are amazing on this album, creating such great tunes as a backdrop to Macklemore's fun, though provoking, and relate-able lyrics. Ryan also has his chance to shine with an instrumental "BomBom (feat. The Teaching)".

What I like about their sound:  There is a song/beat/melody for every mood.  Fun to dark to though-provoking.
Worth the charge to my card?:  150%
Favorite song on the album, other than current radio hits: "I used to drink away my paycheck, celebrate the mistakes I hadn't made yet" A Wake (feat. Evan Roman), Ten Thousand Hours about putting in so much time before the world sees you as successful, Thin Line some love stories drag on long after they are really over.

This album I recommend may seem a little out of the ordinary for you.  How I came across the album "Nesliving, Vol.3 - Voglio di +" is by surfing the international charts on iTunes.  I wanted to revive my knowledge of Italian and thought, what better way than through music?  After some intense googling, YouTube watching, and lots of Google Translate, I came across the duo Nesli.
Nesli, is made up of brothers, Francesco and Fabrizio, who both had successful underground solo ventures.  Then they decided to combine and create an Italian hip-hop-mind-blowing experience.  Nesly, the previous stage name of Francesco, was influenced by a producer who directed him to rap over live instruments for a new sound.  The response was numerous successful mix-tape-style singles. It was for his second solo project "The Remedy Tape, Vol. 1" that Nesly turned to his older brother for help and collaboration.  It was then that the brothers decided to go by "Nesli" and the rest is history.

I have tried to think of an American equivalent of this duo to describe their style to my friends.  They do rap in Italian, but they also sing and the topics aren't as "street tough" as say an Eminem album.  Their songs (after rough translation) are about being in love, losing love, and enjoying life in general.  One of my favorite songs off this album is "Partiro", which roughly translates to "I will leave".   The tone of the song is sort of dark.  It's about leaving someone behind and not looking back.  Turning a new leaf.  The composition of this song is upbeat and great to listen to.

What I like about their sound:  They are Italian rappers!  They could be talking about vacuum cleaners and I would be put into a trance.  Plus, the best way to learn a second language is through music!
Worth the charge to my card?:  I find myself singing in Italian, and it was quite the musical discovery.  No international charges added, although sort of difficult to navigate through iTunes.
Favorite song on the album, other than current radio hits: I've already discussed this, but I also love E Una Vita (it's one life), Se Puoi (If you can), and Respiro (I breathe, or give me breath)

If you are a lucky son of a gun who gets to see Kenny Chesney on tour this summer (my boyfriend has to be in a wedding when he comes to Pittsburgh >:o| ) you will also get a chance to see Kacey Musgraves.  She happens to be one of the opening acts for the No Shoes Nation tour.

Kacey's first single hit the airwaves late last year, with Merry-Go-Round.  A song about the cycle of generations in a small town.  This isn't her first time at writing though.  Kacey has been writing and singing before she was on this earth for a decade.  Her "big break" came when she was a contestant on the 2007 season of Nashville Star.  The exposure got some of her penned lyrics to the voices of Martina McBride, Miranda Lambert, and even on the new NBC show Nashville.
Same Trailer, Different Park seems to boast the typical country lifestyle.  I think you'd be surprised to what this album has to offer.  Now don't get me wrong, there is plenty of local-diner-gossip themed songs, but also about love, love lost, and even tackles same-sex marriages, following in Same Love's footsteps of genre barriers.  Although, a singer-songwriter, Taylor Swift she is not! (Total compliment btw.)  Softly spoken words, and beautifully written lyrics.  Country through and through, but don't turn your nose if you aren't a country fan.  From the trailer park to park ave, anyone can get into this album.

What I like about her sound: Relate-able lyrics against soft melodies, yet fun and upbeat also.  True country spirit.
Worth the charge to my card?: This album was a risk, but I'm so glad that I was able to discover her sound!
Favorite song on the album, other than current radio hits: Blowin' smoke (probably another single soon), Follow Your Arrow You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't! Step Off self-explanatory.

Finally, I'd like to mention some singles that I believe everyone should check out, in addition to these albums.
Timeflies - I Choose You
Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines (feat. T.I. and Pharrell) This is such a FUN & sexy tune!! (and video)
Zedd - Clarity (feat. Foxes)  As heard on Glee's regional's finale episode

*Info from iTunes artist page.