Saturday, January 22, 2011

What's Time got to do with it?


"Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person forever by then!" - Cam age 10

Oh Cam, I wonder if you're 23 yet? When I was Cam's age, I thought the exact same thing! My mother gave birth to me when she was 23, and I used to think she was an older mother. First, let me say KUDOS to my mother. I was the biggest brat as a child and you spoiled me rotten.

As you know, I am now 25 (and a half), with no children. If I had a child right now (either accident or planned) I have absolutely no idea how I would manage!! My first car that I purchased is a 2-door and in order to afford it, I have to pay on it for the next 7 years! I have about 5 pairs of shoes, a George Foreman Grill, and a snow shovel in my backseat. CLEARLY no room for a carseat.

Now don't get me wrong, "I die for kids" (Rachel Zoe). I am too selfish right now to have to tend to a child's needs. It just would not be fair to the little babe.

So I guess my question to everyone out there is, Do we really know when the 'right time' is? Or does it just happen, and that's God's way of saying, NOW it's you're turn!

Don't worry folks, someday I am going to have enough children for my own soccer team, but my boys won't play soccer, fall is Football season. Unless they are the kicker, then they can play both.

I'm leaving you with a picture of my friend Beth's adoreable little boy, Brady. He is now rocking the off the shoulder look. Sometimes, you're just too cool for both sleeves. Own it Bradylicious!

Friday, January 21, 2011

really? this is it? you must be joking.

Children immitate adults whenever they 'pretend' play. They play that they are ironing clothes. They pretend to bathe and feed their babies. They play that they are getting ready for work, or preparing the family dinner.

Uh, i'm going to call B.S. on that one. Why don't children play "which bill am i going to pay this month" or "interview that I thought went well, but turns out they think I'm not qualified enough" or even "mommy has to work 2 jobs because daddy was laid off"? Children immitate their parents, yet no one is playing "divorced family christmas".

Welcome to reality little ones.

I guess that I would consider myself in the real world for about a year and a half now, since graduating college, and I find myself asking (to whom it may concern):
Really? This is it?
I was expecting to have a job that I enjoyed, live in a comfy little apartment, and my only worry would be who I was going out with that weekend.
Maybe I've watched too much Sex and The City?
So here I am, at a job that I am at because I need the money, not because it's what I studied for 5 years, or because this is what I have always wanted to do.
I do have a nice apartment, but it's drafty, and way too expensive for how small it is. Not to mention the ghetto girl across the street and her pals smoking weed and drinking 40s in the alley, aka right under our bedroom window. BUT it is a 2 bedroom in Mount Washington, for under $800. So i can't complain too much.
My only worry is money, money, and money... How much do I have right now? Do I have enough to pay my car payment, rent, utilities, gas, parking pass, student loan payment, groceries, ETC!

I miss those days, when being a grown up meant wearing your mom's high heels, lipstick, and attempting to pour your own cereal.

I wish the real world, would just stop hassling me. - Matchbox 20 "Real World"