Thursday, January 16, 2014

Breaking Bad in 2014

This year it is ALL about Breaking Bad

 … habits that is.  Of course I watched the conclusion of Heisenberg along with the rest of the world.  If you didn't, put that on your bucket list!

ANYWAYS, this year is about breaking my bad habits. I have too many to list one by one (and thousands more my mother could name).  So in 2014, here is to HEALTH, WEALTH, and HAPPINESS!

Last year I successfully completed P90X and made it through most of P90X2 (the program just wasn't for me). I have never felt better about my overall fitness. I did both workouts with my boyfriend who altered his diet also.  I never have had to diet because I plateaued at 98 pounds when I was 16 (sorry I'm not sorry). After reading into a little bit about "clean eating" (and by little, I mean doing research for months #LibraProblems) and decided that it was a lifestyle change that I should adapt.  My bad eating habits of snacking on crap, snacking constantly and eating too much fast food have left me feeling lousy. Clean eating refers to eating foods that are as close to nature as possible.  Basically I'm cutting out all processed foods and using a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit. I hope that clean eating will help my body to all around feel better. You know, wars off infections and illness better, sleep well, just overall physically feel better.

This is the year I get an even better handle on my finances. I have a bad habit of shopping… a lot. I have made the resolution to use my earnings for experiences rather than things. I would much rather go on an excursion or vacation than hang something in my closet (that is usually too trendy to pull off or too fancy for a weekend out).  My boyfriend started saving all of his $5 bills after reading an article about a woman who saved thousands by doing this.  It's my hope that by planning trips that I will be too busy and consumed with that to shop online.  I'm also going to unsubscribe from all of the emails that I get about sales! This is going to be a challenge, but I'm up for it!

Happiness is not easy to achieve. I believe that absolute happiness comes at the top level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, (Self-actualization) which almost no one reaches. I absolutely refuse to accept anything but my wildest dreams.  I will continue to pursue all of my hopes and dreams. What else do we have to live for?  I refuse to compare my path in life to anyone's because, like a fingerprint, we all have a different one.  I seek to please only myself and hope that those who truly care for me accept and support me. So my bad habit of sulking in my lack of success or current situations is simply wasted time. This year I will focus all of my energy into what makes me happy!

So that's it! I hope that this year will have a lot in store for me. I have a few things in the works already and I'm working on radiating nothing but positive energy! I wish you all the same of HEALTH, WEALTH, and HAPPINESS this year!  Now go binge on Breaking Bad, you'll thank me later!